October 7, 2017
Hello from the Arizona desert! I’m Susan and I’m so happy you found my little blog.
I was born into a military family and grew up in Phoenix with 5 brothers and sisters…3 boys and 3 girls just like The Brady Bunch. I’m the middle girl. That’s right…I’m Jan, which sooo explains my personality. Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!!
A little background on my blog name…when my Aunt Dollie was about 93 she announced that she was surprised I was the spinster of the family. Funny thing is, I was 23 at the time! The story became a bit of a family joke but maybe Aunt Dollie was on to something because 30+ years later I am still the family spinster!
I have been tinkering since I was a kid. When I see something I want to make it becomes a bit of an obsession. I have to go out and buy every supply and tool needed to make whatever the project is….that is, until I see something else I want to make. Then my obsession shifts to the new project, leaving the old project and supplies…sometimes big, expensive power tools!…lonely and temporarily forgotten. I (almost) always go back and finish whatever I started but at any given time I have at least 3 half-finished projects in my work room. My tinkering obsession has many facets. I can’t just choose one thing to love. Interior decorating, DIY, wood crafts, paper crafts, baking/cooking, Silhouette projects, mosaics, painting… I love it all! I could no more choose a favorite than my mom could choose a favorite child (though we all know it’s my brother Brian).
I used to own a craft store and my favorite part of it was teaching classes. It’s wonderful to see someone take your ideas and make them their own. I’m also a Pinterest junkie. I have Pinterest to thank for inspiring many of my projects. This blog will allow me to combine my love of sharing ideas with my love of tinkering. And who knows! Maybe writing this blog will entice me to complete one project before I start the next one! Oh, who am I kidding….
You might just find my trusted sidekick Jack, my 13 year old blind Shih Tzu, in the background of some photos. He likes to help me out with my projects…and by helping out I mean napping in whatever room I happen to be in.
Thanks for stopping by. You can reach me at info@thetinkeringspinster.com.
Happy tinkering!
Update: My precious Jack lost his battle with lung cancer on August 23, 2018. I will miss you forever, my sweet boy.